For Community Members

Here is what we are working on with community members. Please reach out if any of this interests you. We are always willing to try and support the community! We also value learning from others.

Learning Together

We have had opportunities to learn together with others about language and communication in autism. Examples include talking to community workers, campus faculty & staff, and to K-12 parents, administrators, and teachers, about questions that are important to them. From one-hour workshops on teaching to 10-minute sessions on how people communicate, we are always happy to chat.

Family and Autism Network Meetings

We attend family and autism network gatherings to share information or just listen and learn. Examples include talking about autism research, service delivery, and good-quality assessment.

Parnter Projects

We work on projects that other people lead. Examples include helping community organizations with research design, providing expertise on what we study, and helping others find/apply for funding. We are glad to be of service when we can, so please reach out!